Monday, December 18, 2006

Have I Been Asleep????

This blogging thing is weird! Who would have thunk it, but here I am. My spelling sucks so do not be surprised. My train of thought wanders so try to connect the dots.

Have I been asleep is the question. I will be 40 in Jan07. What the Hell my mother should be 40 not me. Her reply, her mother should be 64 not her. So I guess that is how it goes. One day last year I woke up asking myself where did the last 20yrs go. It has went to my kids, my hubby and the all around mom housewife day to day jobs. Well my kids a 18,16,12. My hubby has been in his job, classified, for 10-11yrs. I have taken care of them for 19yrs. I have cooked, cleaned, catched and carried all this time. All the while by choose. Yet know I find myself asking, what is next. After the kids then what. A house can only be so clean and a Hubby can only be please just so much until all tasked blend into 20yrs of blurred time.

I know who ever reads this will think, "well lady get off your ass and do something", or "you chose to stay at home so what are you bitchin about", last but not least, "I wish I could stay home every day."

For now I will simple blog this crap to how fully find a small amount of sanity. To clear the mommy/wife persona out of my head and find me again.

Yike spell check was on overtime !

1 comment:

Liz Hill said...

This will definitely do it. Welcome to the crazy world of being "YOU".